Easily add proven engagement and
motivation tools to your Canvas courses!
In 15 minutes or less, you can QUICKLY and easily apply proven strategies for engagement and motivation to your Canvas course. Use one of our research-based templates, or make your own! You never need to change course design or assignments.
Delphinium is sometimes called a "skin" or an "overlay" for your courses that dramatically increases their engagement and motivating power. It takes all of the work you put into your Canvas course and makes it "more". More engaging, more motivating, more fun, more effective, and more successful!
Delphinium also includes tools for teachers that superpower communication and help identify students who need extra attention.
65 pts
40 pts
65 pts

Benefits and Features for...
Students | Teachers | Designers | Administrators | |
Improve withdrawals, failures, dropouts, and grades! | 🗲 | 🗲 | 🗲 | 🗲 |
Clearly indicate past, present, and future progress | 🗲 | 🗲 | ||
Clearly communicate grades, growth, and urgency | 🗲 | 🗲 | ||
Increase engagement and fun with gamification components | 🗲 | |||
Monitor progress for all students at-a-glance | 🗲 | 🗲 | ||
Identify and communicate with ALL struggling students in seconds | 🗲 | 🗲 | ||
Automate and schedule messages and progress reports | 🗲 | 🗲 | 🗲 | |
Easily onboard with detailed tutorials and just-in-time training | 🗲 | 🗲 | 🗲 | 🗲 |
No need to change course content or activites to use Delphinium | 🗲 | 🗲 | ||
Customize Delphinium for your course's unique needs | 🗲 | 🗲 | ||
Create custom templates for your school's unique needs | 🗲 | 🗲 |
What students say...
“I would spend more time studying for this class than other classes.”
“I felt truly in control of my education.”
“I saw that I was doing much better than I thought I was.”
“I knew what I had to do to reach my goal. I liked knowing that a little extra effort would make a difference.”

What teachers say...
“Delphinium makes my on-line courses much more interactive.”
“Students feel they are getting constant personal attention and feedback.”
“The messaging app and grade visualization tools are big time savers!”
“With Delphinium, students always know how they are progressing through the course.”

- Capture students’ attention
- Connect with students
- Connect students with each other
- Encourage self-expression
- Make Canvas attractive and easy
- Create feelings of urgency
- Celebrate success
- Make learning fun!
What does the research say?
This data from published and internal studies show Delphinium’s effectiveness in a variety of disciplines:
- Sociology: 68% fewer failing grades; 154% more A grades
- Health: 50% fewer failing grades
- Technology: 47% fewer failing grades, 65% fewer withdrawals and dropouts, and 10% higher grades
- Technology: Without Delphinium, an adjunct’s failure and dropout rates were 144% and 110% higher, and grades of B- and above where 40% lower when compared to a full-time faculty member; but with Delphinium, their academic outcomes were statistically identical
- Management: 72% of students reported that Delphinium was "more" or "much more" motivating than a traditional course; Students reported doing more quality work and having more fun!
Deep dive into how Delphinium works:
Click the YouTube icon below for a detailed overview of how Delphinium can help your students WANT to learn!
What does a face-to-face class have that online course materials are missing?
The answer is "You".
Online education is missing all that our teachers bring to motivate and engage your students in the room. The way you capture students' attention; your personality and how you "connect" with students, and keep things interesting and fun; your ability to "catch students doing the right thing" and celebrate success; the time you take to guide students to higher performance and shepherd struggling students; how you give students the chance to express themselves and connect with other students—their friends; and the way you help students feel what needs to be done NOW.
Teachers help students grow as learners, build confidence, stay on task, and work well with others; and as a result, your students learn more, get better grades and find more success and completion. With Delphinium, you can have all of this in online education too! Delphinium makes the online portion of your class more "YOU" and helps students WANT to learn. The results are dramatic improvements in completion and performance!
All this and Delphinium only takes 15 minutes to install, you don't have to change your current online materials in any way, and there is practically no maintenance!
Return on investment

For many schools, legislatures and other stakeholders expect results for their investment. Let's consider a hypothetical example: A large university or school district can have an annual budget of $250M to cover all of the expenses, including buildings, grounds, teachers, administrators, etc. and they might produce 3,700 graduates a year.
With a little math, we can see that each graduate costs ~$67,000!

If we could use Delphinium to improve the graduation rate by just 1%, 37 more students would graduate a year, lowering the costs per graduate by $670 which would result in $2.5M spent more efficiently EVERY year!
If we want to use a more conservative estimate and improve graduation by just .1%, the result is still $250K spent more efficiently every year.
The investment in Delphinium has a clear connection to being a better steward of the resources we manage for our stakeholders, and more important, Delphinium yields a better investment in our students!